How to gain more views on Youtube
Youtube is the second most used search engine in the world after Google. Today Youtube has over 4 billion active users. There is so much content on Youtube that it is important to succeed in standing out from the competition to maintain a stable reputation. In this article, we will see how to become trendy on Youtube , and especially how to stay so.
How to become trending on YouTube?
To stand out among so many videos on YouTube, it is essential to make them trending or going viral. Carving out good visibility is essential in the face of such a profusion of videos. To optimize your videos, you need to take care of the description, choose a captivating title, choose a good theme, create a channel, share your videos and many more.
Optimization is the best solution to make your video trending on YouTube. In this article, we will see how to become trending on YouTube , and above all how to stay so.
The description of your video plays a major role in its positioning. Indeed, Youtube is based on the principle of natural referencing in order to be able to offer them to people likely to be interested in them.
For this reason, make very detailed descriptions of your content. Feel free to put links to your other accounts, keywords, hashtags and anything else that might identify you.
Bet on a good description
You must therefore take care of the description. The content should be simple and understandable. Prefer short and precise words. Formulate sentences that are easy to remember so that people can understand the general idea of your video. Shoot a video on a relevant and trending topic. YouTube highlights popular themes.
Attract Internet users with interesting titles
Aside from the description and thumbnail, the first thing a viewer sees is your video title. Use impactful and trending terms to pique their curiosity and entice them to click on your video to watch it.
For the title, it is better to weigh its words well with short sentences. In order to capture the attention of the audiences, the title must be more precise. Research the most viewed videos and see how others are doing without dumbly copying.
However, do not exaggerate and stay concrete. It would be a shame if you attracted a large number of people but no one subscribed to your channel because your title was misleading.
Organize your channel regularly
Once your channel is polished and organized, it will be easier for your subscribers to access your content. Opt for a trendy personalization, with the colors of the moment. Feel free to change the photos from time to time. This always remains an added value to your channel.
Share your content
Creating a channel allows you to make many publications. Don't hesitate to share them in order to highlight them. Share your videos so that we can know you on all social networks.
Indeed, staying on Youtube is not enough. Indeed, you must share your channel as much as possible through social networks or forums for example. However, do not spam the forums. First, target the community that is likely to be interested in your content. Then, stay active on networks and forums and share your page from time to time.
Choose your theme effectively
The theme and content of your videos must be trending in order to stay trending on Youtube . Stay on top of new topics and themes and adapt your content to them.
Aside from the theme, keywords should be chosen carefully. You must then place them correctly to be visible on YouTube. But not only, well-placed keywords can bring better visibility in the Google search engine.
However, do not stray too far from your main theme, at the risk of losing subscribers!
Make quality content
Better to post a structured and well-crafted video every week, rather than posting sketches every day.
Take the time to refine your content before publishing it. Avoid backgrounds that are too dark or messy and perfect your editing. Internet users will feel comfortable viewing your content.
To get people to watch your videos, you need to focus on quality. As much as possible, the content should be well researched and the images should be of good quality. It is better to publish a quality rendering or not to publish altogether.
The content is more important than the form. Do not dwell too much on editing and presentation. If you have any messages to convey, say them. Without neglecting the editing and filming part. You also have to be yourself and avoid stupidly copying other videos, because it's usually bad for your image.
To become trending on YouTube, therefore, the idea is to start by focusing on the content, and use your experience to gradually improve the technique of editing and filming. In addition, few people on YouTube received audiovisual training.
When we talk about video, we tend to spread out over several minutes on a subject. Views on Youtube are only counted if the Internet user has watched the entire video. If the latter stops in the middle, the number of views will not change. It is for this reason that you should avoid making videos that are too long.
Indeed, a five-minute video is better positioned in Youtube than a ten-minute video. You have to cut to the chase, because the length of the video is an important consideration.
In summary
From now on, publish quality videos to have subscribers and number of views in record time are essential. Remember that good visibility will increase your notoriety among Internet users, but also on the Google search engine. In short, it is best to optimize your videos to make them trend on YouTube. With these tips, you will have more audience while building your credibility.
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