The essential tools to manage your Instagram content

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Today, managing an Instagram account is child's play! There are many solutions that save our lives by allowing us to manage Instagram content in an easy, fast and efficient way. Focus on the tools most recommended by community managers. Let's go!

Can go

To create visuals on Instagram, Canva is undoubtedly the perfect tool. The icing on the cake, it is accessible from all devices (computer, tablet and smartphone).

This application offers us a variety of templates (free and paid) that we can use to create visuals in a few clicks. You don't need to be an expert in graphic design!

canva instagram

Remember that there are other tools to create and edit our visuals, such as StoryArt, Inshot… and Snapseed.


To better manage your Instagram content, Hootsuite is among the most recommended tools. For what ? Because it's a platform that allows you to schedule your posts, interact with the community from the dashboard, post images, manage your feeds, etc. All on a single ergonomic and easy-to-use interface.

Plus, Hootsuite lets you keep tabs on the competition and find new engagement opportunities. What could be better ?

Instagram Shopping

If you have an e-shop, Instagram Shopping is for you! This is a new feature that has just landed on the social network and which allows you to direct followers to the Landing Page. The principle is to publish a post highlighting a product available on your online store with the call to action button "View products".

This feature is very useful to attract more leads to your online store and increase your turnover.


It is impossible to manage an Instagram account without having an eye on the statistics. To do this, the tools are more and more numerous and the choice is not always easy to make. To avoid breaking your head, choose Squarelovin, a platform available in free and paid versions.

The tool gives you access to a lot of data, such as the evolution of the size of your community, the engagement rate, etc.


Heepsy is the influencer search platform par excellence. According to the latest statistics posted online, it has more than 3 million influencers worldwide. It is carefully designed by professionals to simplify our search for a potential influencer.

Once we identify potential influencers, the tool provides us with a lot of data that helps us choose the best one.


We come to the last tool on our list that we can use today to manage our Instagram content: Planoly. It's an app available on all iOS and Android devices that users can use to plan how their feed will look with their posts, as well as the flow of their Stories. The platform also allows you to schedule your posts.

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